7 years of electronica creativity: Jockstrap celebrates the beginning of their sold-out tour by releasing ‘I<3UQTINVU’.

Coming into their new creative era, Jockstrap are back with more bangers than ever. The cult London duo first met at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and after bonding together artistically with Taylor Skye’s electronic production and Georgia Ellery’s whispered vocals, they decided to merge their artistry into Jockstrap - a duo which has rocked the scene since 2016.

Releasing their remix album I<3UQTINVU, which features a fully reworked version of their 2022 album I Love You, Jennifer B., both Skye and Ellery are ready to begin a sold-out worldwide tour, which will feature their entire catalog into a show, curated from start to finish aiming to immerse into the Jockstrap universe that has a level of electronic funk that they have carved as a signature into their music.

Speaking to Perfect about what this release marks, both Georgia and Taylor reminisce about seven fulfilling years of experimentation and how they have both learned to lean into the process, trusting each other’s captive creativity coming as an instinct.

Angel: As a band, you have been together for 7 years now. Looking back at Jockstrap at the beginning and now, how has the dynamic changed? 

Taylor Skye: I would say we've got busier, but for the first few years of doing this we were balancing doing a degree and trying to start a band at the same time, so maybe that isn't true. At first we were just noodling about, then for the album we both drove ourselves crazy double and triple checking everything we did, and these days we're quite quick with decision making and try not to dwell on anything too much.

Angel: What have you learned about each other as artists during this time? 

Georgia Ellery: We have learnt how each of us operate day to day after all the touring we have done together. Each others quirks, fears, eating and sleeping habits, etcetera. We’ve also leaned to trust each others judgment on our respective outfits/hair and makeup before going on stage. Half the time there’s no full mirror. Being an artist is all touring after you’ve made the album.

Angel: Releasing your newest project, what was the starting point for it? When did you begin planning for it?

Taylor Skye: I make the remixes whilst I'm mixing the songs. I just do exactly whatever I want, I don't care how it'll be perceived. I heard a Fred Again song and wanted to make something like that. I was listening to Willie Nelson and then made something inspired by that. 

Angel: You also partake in other projects as individual producers and artists, where does the balance lie in giving time for both?

Georgia Ellery: We do. In my experience I’ve had to be headstrong and assertive to keep time for both projects because most underestimate the importance and are dismissive of the respective project (I’m not talking about my bandmates). 

Taylor Skye: 3 months on one project, 3 months on the next - alternating - seems like the sweet spot to me. I like to be busy. But most of the time I’m compromised with the scheduling as both bands have done so well this year. (Which I’m very happy about!) 

Angel: What do you look forward to both professionally and personally for the rest of the year? 

Taylor Skye: I'm looking forward to a new evolution like a Pokemon. When it goes from Bulbasaur to Ivysaur. 


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