Spanish-based ONRUSHW23FH are taking ready-to-wear into new (unconventional) dimensions.


Building their own design universe, Spanish-based fashion creatives Albert Sanchez and Sebastian Cameras are diving deep into exploring how using materials like fibreglass can break traditional ready-to-wear silhouettes. The duo talks to Perfect and reminisces on their beginnings assisting David Koma and the importance of their Mexican and Spanish heritage towards the way they process culture and fashion itself.

Perfect: How would you introduce who and what ONRUSH23FH is?
ONRUSHW23FH: Well Onrush was built by us two, Albert Sanchez and Sebastian Cameras, in 2020. It was actually right after Spain's lockdown. We were both living in London before that and had the chance to intern at David Koma, allowing ourselves to grow in the design scopes and how the industry and a fashion studio works. If we would have to introduce what ONRUSHW23FH is, we would say it is an experimental project which developed into a high-quality design brand. Always keeping in mind that for us it all started as a way of having fun and showing our own perspective of the world and society, using design as a tool. Since the presentation of ONRUSH the brand has had a positive acceptance from the audience and the fashion industry, hence growing little by little and being able to move from a lot of projects in Spain, which were our starting point, and expand to international markets and fashion capitals such as Los Angeles, New York, London and Paris.

Perfect: In what ways have your Spanish backgrounds influenced your work?
ONRUSHW23FH: Even though our backgrounds are not explicitly incorporated into our past collection, we do believe they have always been a sort of unconscious source of inspiration, kind of working like a small voice in the back of our minds. Especially when we stop and think of the different cultures we both have. On one hand Albert was born and raised in Barcelona, yet had his family born in the South of Spain and on the other hand we have Sebastian, who was born in Mexico, and moved to Barcelona at a young age.
Sebastian: For me it has been a thing that has grown as I’ve gotten older. Especially because I moved out of Mexico when I was really young, and even though I have always had my culture taught at home it was not until I was a bit older that I started gaining interest in it. But now it has become something very important for me to be present in my work, especially because I feel not only Mexican but indigenous culture should be given more attention and appreciation.
Albert: Also, for me my spanish background is something that I had to live with since I was a child, because my family is from the south of Spain, and the magic in it is something that I really love and appreciate. That is why I try to give a voice to the strength that is transmitted to me when I think of my culture. Furthermore, I think we both learnt a lot from each other's backgrounds and that’s really rewarding not only personally but also professionally speaking.

Perfect: What references from art, design and culture are most important to your visual universe?
ONRUSHW23FH: We don’t have specific art/design/culture references. They all vary depending on the moment and the collection obviously. It’s quite an organic flow of concepts, nevertheless we are always interested in art movements, philosophy or sociologists. What we can say is that when it comes to inspiration anything really goes. We love French cinema, Spanish Siglo de Oro, French contemporary artists, etc. We also tnd to take a look at our society and what is the closest and most common things in life, because we believe that there is beauty in common yet relatable things. Our whole imagery is built up around different artists, movies and philosophers such as Zygnmunt Baumann, Takis and Peter Seadgley for our past collections. It is also true that technology and digital resources such as photoshop are very important not only in our visual universe but also in our creative process.

Perfect: Which do you think are some of the most recognisable elements from your brand?
ONRUSHW23FH: At the moment we have different recognisable elements, which actually have come as a surprise because when we first designed them we didn’t expect them to be “the pieces” for which we feel we are recognised for. One of these being the structured pieces with fiber glass rod, which we must say are the most experimental part of the collections we believe. Moreover all the universe created around the our Drip leggings, where it is really clear how we mix and play around not only with fabrics but also with transparencies. And of course The Twirl Denim Jeans which pullout and commercially-wise and have become our interest number one piece.

At the moment we have different recognisable elements that we didn’t planned to be but maybe all the shapes we have with fibre and structures. Also, all the world of the drip leggings and the fact of always mixing layerings, textures and fabrics on items. The Twirl Denim Jeans has become a really known item from us, as our most commercial and special piece.

Perfect: What have been some of your favourite projects to date? What is a dream to achieve next?ONRUSHW23FH: We were really excited when we made Nathy Peluso a custom look for Grammy debut performance, it was just after our first show and we couldn't believe it! Nevertheless our favorite project so far is yet to come in a couple of months, we are not allowed to say anything about it yet but it really means a lot to us! On the side we must say being part of Perfect somehow is very special for us as well, it has been a magazine that we have followed since the beginning. Our next dream would be to present our next collection in a international Fashion Week, specially London, that’s a city we really miss and where we both felt it like home away from home and being able to work with people who we admire a lot like Rafael Pavarotti or Ibrahim Kamara.

Perfect: What is something you think all aspiring designers should know before starting a career in fashion?
ONRUSHW23FH: This is a very interesting question and obviously is not that we know everything because we are just starting and we really have a lot to learn from this journey, but as an aspiring designer you should know that it’s a very hard industry and you will have to invest a lot of hours and as shallow as it may sound but money as well is a very important, to get wherever you want to go. Furthermore, just trust yourself and try to think outside the box, let everything flow and it will take you where you want to go. Be curious and try to get the most of the experience as you can and enjoy your internships, at the end is where you are going to get an accurate idea of how fashion works. For us was really helpful to let go all this academic background when leaving university and go behind of the first ideas.



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